Searching for PG Accommodation in India?

Finding a right accommodation in India is a tough task. But don’t lose hope by experiencing your experience with the broker. The time and money that you spend with them are worthless.

We all know that paying guest is becoming famous among the working professionals. It is preferred by the people who moved from one place to another in search of jobs or for higher studies. Finding a paying guest may be challenging sometimes. Follow these tips while searching a PG.

1.    While selecting a PG to make sure that you decide your budget and your preference area.

2.    Once your budget is decided than search for a PG at online portals. There are many online portals like, which allow a specific search for PG.

3.    These websites will give you an idea of Prevailing rates for PG accommodation

4.    Don’t forget to check if the public transport is available nearby.

5.    Also, check if the food is provided by the PG owners.

Use these above tips and hopefully it will benefit you in your PG accommodation search.


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